10 Fun Birthday Party Games for Kids

It is your kid's special day...his or her birthday, everything must go right. No one wants to upset his or her kids on that day. Not only gifts but also the catering, games, decorations, etc., matters a lot too. The sequence of party games can either make your party a hit or a disaster. That's why today we are sharing 10 birthday party games that can make your birthday party a hit.

7 star balloon decoration in Chennai

Prize Walk
If you have played cakewalk than you will understand prize walk as well. It is similar to cakewalk only and is a fun game for kids between the age of 2 and 4.

Bubble Wrap Race
A very simple game which is fun and appropriate for kids over 3 years of age and only needs some space but a lot of bubble wrap.

Photo Scavenger Hunt
A game that younger as well older kids can play However, the difficulty needs to be adjusted based on the age of the child. The simpler version of the game will be fun for smaller kids and challenging version of the game will be fun for older kids.

Balloon Bursts
A great game for kids over the age of 4 and can be a laughter moment for all.

Paper Boat Race
A very interesting game for kids over the age of 5 and needs only some paper boats and a tub of water.

Pin the Tail on the Donkey
I am sure you all must have heard of it or seen it in Hollywood movies. A classic game that can be played by not only kids but also adults.

Musical Chairs
A game that will always stay in fashion. Once again I am sure you have already played this game once in your lifetime.

Balloon Pop
A game that can be played not only by kids but also by the adults.

Passing the Parcel
Another classic game that you must have played once in your lifetime. A game that has been passed from generations to generations. If you are a fan of indoor games than this is the one for you.

Bowling Alley
I think we all love a game that involves knocking things down. This game is the simpler version of bowling alley for the kids, using the items found in the house. The secondary option is purchasing a mini bowling set.


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